3 Tips to Improve Your SEO Content Writing

Jenifer Kuadli
1 min readJul 31, 2019

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) matters a lot in digital marketing. Making your website easily visible on search engines requires investment in your SEO improvement. Better SEO means higher page ranking which in return helps drive web traffic and leads that translate to a better return on investment (ROI).

How to improve your SEO score? The answer lies heavily on the content of your website. Having a knack for SEO content writing is imperative in boosting search visibility. Creating original, high-quality and SEO-friendly content can greatly impact your web page by drawing more readers to it. More visitors can be beneficial for you and your website.

Here are three simple tips to enhance your SEO content writing:

  1. Write content that adds value to your audience — readers go to the web to look for something. If they see your content valuable, this encourages repeat web visit.
  2. Have a basic knowledge of technical SEO — knowing how your content is structured helps you optimize your page efficiently.
  3. Know the basics of link building — the presence of a number of links on your SEO content writing indicates the importance and popularity of your website. Link building pushes your page up the rank.

(Note: This is a sample article that I wrote and submitted in one of the writing jobs I’ve applied before.☺)

Originally published at http://frenjieblog.wordpress.com on July 31, 2019.



Jenifer Kuadli

MBA and Business Economics Graduate | Content Writer and Researcher | Online Book Reviewer | Song and Poem Creator | Music Lover |